
The common 4 Application of RFID wristbands

I:Entry and Access Control

-Control event entry and exit, along with who can go where within your event.

-Manage access to VIP, backstage, catering and other areas.

II:Cashless Payments and User Engagement

-Attendees use their wristbands (or another RFID device such as lanyards, cards or stickers) to pay for items like concessions and merchandise leading to increased spend.

-Collect valuable purchasing information about attendees that can be shared with event sponsors for post-event campaigns and promotions.

-Eliminate fraud

III:Loyalty Programs and Gamification

-Attendees tap wristbands at various places to earn points to be redeemed for merchandise or for entries to win a grand prize.

IV:Social Media Integrations

-On-site photographers take pictures and tap attendees wristbands, which automatically associates the photo with the attendee. Our platform then automatically shares the picture to social media streams.